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[정책] Fiscal Policy for Growth and Equity : Public Finance Review

우크라이나 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2021-07-02 등록일 : 2021-11-18 원문링크

This third programmatic public finance review (PFR-3) supports Ukraine in reorienting fiscal policy towards supporting inclusive and sustained economic growth after the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) crisis. This PFR combines the main findings of recent public finance analyses into the fiscal policy framework and analyzes tax and state-owned enterprises (SOEs) policy aspects that will help to support investment and better use of productive recourses. This PFR focuses predominantly on how fiscal policy instruments - namely aggregate spending, tax policy, and asset ownership - can be strengthened to support economic growth.

본 페이지에 등재된 자료는 운영기관(KIEP)EMERiCs의 공식적인 입장을 대변하고 있지 않습니다.
