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[농업경제] Digital Climate Adaptation in Agriculture Profile for Zimbabwe

짐바브웨 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - African Development Bank 발간일 : 2023-07-10 등록일 : 2023-07-23 원문링크

Zimbabwe is a landlocked African country with an estimated population of 14.65 million people as of 2019 with females accounting for 52 percent of the population resulting in a sex ratio of almost 92 percent. ZimStat, 2017). The population of Zimbabwe is relatively young with 40 percent of the population estimated to be below the age of 15 and about 6 percent aged 65 years and above. Seventy percent of the population is based in rural areas with the rest residing in urban areas. The average household size is estimated at 4.2 persons per household (ZimStat, 2017). There is a high number of female-headed households, which highlights the need for gender-inclusive strategies to ensure these households have equal access to climate change adaptation technologies.

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