[환경] A hydraulic mission for whom? A critical examination of Ethiopia's Gibe III hydropower dam
에티오피아 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Energy Research & Social Science 발간일 : 2024-07-05 등록일 : 2024-07-19 원문링크
Ethiopia is currently investing significantly in large scale- hydropower across its river basins. While serving the national economic agenda, hydropower dams have impacted local communities. This study aims to explore the essence of Ethiopia's hydraulic mission and how it accounts for the national-local trade-offs associated with the building of hydropower dams. It draws on an exploratory case study conducted on the Gibe III hydropower project in southern Ethiopia. Data collection involved key informant interviews, focus-group discussions held among project-impacted communities, and a review of three relevant policy documents. It was found that while the building of hydropower dams in Ethiopia is aimed at the national goal of realizing a Climate Resilient Green Economy, the discourses and practices of the hydraulic mission accompanying the building of hydropower dams reflected shortcomings that contributed to adverse socioeconomic impacts on local communities. The shortcomings concern the policy discourses and practices regarding the handling of local developmental aspirations in hydropower development, feasibility studies on hydropower projects; coordination and transparency among stakeholders involved in hydropower development; and hydropower benefit sharing across spatial scales. Given the prevailing discourse about their contribution in serving the twofold purpose of addressing energy poverty and the challenges of climate change, it is less likely to avoid the building of hydropower dams particularly in the Global South. Hence, the study suggests that exploring the possibility of reconciling the national-local trade-offs is of paramount importance rather than contending the construction of hydropower dams altogether.
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