[사회] Young carers in Ghana: caring activities, ways into care and the impacts of caregiving
가나 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Journal of Youth Studies 발간일 : 2024-10-28 등록일 : 2024-11-08 원문링크
In Ghana, children often provide care and support to family members with disabilities, mental illnesses and other health conditions. Understanding the nature of their caring activities is essential for identifying stressors and promoting better health and wellbeing outcomes for this group of children, described in the wider literature as young carers. This qualitative study investigated the nature and impact of caring activities on young carers aged 11–17 years. The findings revealed that young carers provide domestic, financial, medical and personal care. Caring activities while beneficial, result in a double burden, as young carers often support both the care recipients and their dependents. Despite the challenges associated with caring activities, the study also reveals the myriad reasons young carers enter care work, suggesting that the work of young carers is not simply an obligation or a choice but a process and an integral part of Ghanian family structures. The study highlights the urgent need for formal mechanisms to identify and support young carers and their care recipients in Ghana.
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