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[정책] Policies, Institutions Regulations, and Expenditures in the Water and Sanitation Sector in Brazil : Synthesis Report

브라질 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2021-06-01 등록일 : 2021-08-15 원문링크

To raise momentum in Brazil’s water sector, and respond to demands from government, the World Bank initiated two analytical studies. These were the Water Supply and Sanitation Policy, Institutions and Regulation Assessment, Diagnostics Report (WSS PIR) and the WSS Public Expenditure Review (WSS PER). The objective of WSS PIR was to establish an analysis of the sector that could serve as a basis for formulating specific reform actions, identifying challenges, and crafting mechanisms to promote sustainable change through good practices. The objective of WSS PER was to analyze the trends, barriers, and opportunities of public expenditures to improve efficiency and equity of the sector. This synthesis report summarizes the key findings of the two analytical work, WSS PIR and WSS PER, and offers possible options for reform. Based on key cross-cutting findings about the policy, institutional, regulatory, and fiscal frameworks of Brazil’s WSS sector, the recommendations were formulated to help policy makers and other sector stakeholders implement the new legal and regulatory framework to maximize benefits for the country. The report consists of five sections. Section one summarizes Brazil’s needs and objectives in WSS and the methodological framework for achieving them. Section two details current levels of performance and challenges that water service providers in Brazil face concerning quality of services, institutional modality of service delivery, community engagement, and resilience building. Section three provides diagnostics of the legal, policy, and regulatory framework in Brazil and summarizes the key opportunities and challenges in implementing the new water and sanitation law. Section four summarizes investment needs for achieving Brazil’s 2033 universalization goals, as well as the efficiency, equity, and effectiveness of the sector’s public expenditures. Finally, section five draws conclusions and identifies reform options that will support the implementation of the new water and sanitation law, in the form of a policy matrix.

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