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[교육] Evaluation of ALMPs Targeting the Young and Vulnerable

에콰도르 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2021-06-24 등록일 : 2021-08-29 원문링크

The Ecuadorian labor market is characterized by having a structure dominated by poor quality jobs. Out of all the underemployed and unemployed, there are subgroups facing greater difficulties than others, such as youth and women. Both groups require special attention as their working conditions deteriorate more in times of crisis. This chapter analyzes the potential of Active Labor Market Programs (ALMPs) to increase the employability of vulnerable groups such as youth and women. First, it describes the problems of youth employability worldwide4, and how ALMPs have been and can be useful to mitigate structural problems and boost employment in crisis/post-crisis situations. Second, it analyzes the problems of youth employment in the Ecuadorian context through information obtained in the other ASA notes. The document wraps up with guidelines for an action plan that considers cost-effective ALMPs focused on easy-to-employ vulnerable groups in the short term, and on groups facing structural problems in the medium and long terms. Priority was given to measures, taking into account the fiscal constraints which the Ecuadorian government must confront.

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