[정책] 2021/22 KSP Policy Consultation Report Paraguay
파라과이 국내연구자료 연구보고서 - 대한무역투자진흥공사 발간일 : 2023-03-13 등록일 : 2023-03-17 원문링크
Chapter 1 Project Overview
1. Overview of the study
1.1. Background
1.2. Purpose of the study
2. Project implementation
2.1. Project organization
2.2. Research methodology
Chapter 2 As-Is Analysis of the automotive industry in Paraguay
1. Analysis of the automotive industry in Paraguay
1.1. Trends of the automotive industry from a global perspective
1.2. Automotive industrial structure in South America
1.3. Automotive industrial structure in Paraguay
2. Automotive industrial policy in Paraguay
2.1. Law, Policy, and Institution
2.2. Infrastructure to promote the automotive industry
2.3. R&D inputs in Paraguay
2.4. Human Resource Development
3. SWOT analysis in automotive industry in Paraguay
3.1. SWOT analysis in automotive industry in general
3.2. SWOTanalysisofthe automotive industry in Paraguay
Chapter 3 Case study of automotive industry in Korea
1. Introduction on the Korean automotive industry
1.1. History and current status of the automotive industry in Korea
2. Automotive industrial policy in Korea
2.1. Law, Policy, and Institution
2.2. Infrastructure to promote automotive industry
2.3. R&D inputs in Korea
2.4. Human Resource Development
Chapter 4 Master Plan for Paraguayan Automotive Industry
1. Developing Strategy
2. Master Plan for Paraguayan Automotive Industry
2.1. Strategy1: Policy & Law
2.2. Strategy 2: Infrastructure
2.3. Strategy 3: R&D
2.4. Strategy 4: Human Resource Development
Chapter 5 Conclusion
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