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Accession of Turkey to the European Union—A Question of Advantage?

튀르키예 국외연구자료 기타 Lutz Paul Sommer International Business and Management 발간일 : 2015-06-30 등록일 : 2016-06-02 원문링크

On October 25, 2005 the European Union (EU) has started negotiations with Turkey about a possible accession. Within the scope of the controversially discussed topic, there is one main question: What effect would the perceived wealth oriented advantages and disadvantages have on a possible accession of a further country with regard to EU citizens` forming of opinion? In view of the results of the existing analysis, one can assume that on one hand there is a mainly advantage-oriented approach concerning candidate countries as is Turkey. On the other hand, the willingness to accept new members is also influenced by the duration and the advantage taken of the own EU-Membership differentiated by country groups.


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