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[사회] 부끄 까라지치(Vuk Karadzić)와 세르비아의 언어적 민족주의 연구

세르비아 국내연구자료 기타 권혁재 한국동유럽발칸학회 발간일 : 2002-06-30 등록일 : 2017-07-21 원문링크

This article discusses the some of the debate on Vuk Karada?i? and “Linguistic Nationalism”in Serbia and presents an overview of the linguistic aspect of developments leading to the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia and war on its territory. Great attention is given to the national movement in the 19th century with an emphasis on the close connections between language and nationalism and on the decisive role of Vuk and his \"Language Reform\". Following some theoretical definition of nationalism and language ideology, it is shown how language serves for identification, as a symbol of ethnic, national, confessional, professional, or some other collective allegiance and how the national elites manipulate language to achieve its end. The central portion of the article presents adetailed analysis, classification and illustration of the Vuk's linguistic
nationalism used for purposes of rising nationalism and building of the dependent nationstate. The concluding section offers a summary view of the lessons and implication of this case study.


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