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[정책] Green peace: How Europe’s climate policy can survive the war in Ukraine

중동부유럽 일반 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - ECFR 발간일 : 2022-06-27 등록일 : 2022-09-07 원문링크

Russia’s war on Ukraine has weakened European governments’ commitment to EU climate goals.
European leaders should intensify their efforts to build clean, sustainable energy security in practice – not just in theory.
They should also address the climate challenge as a matter of EU – rather than national – energy sovereignty.
Europeans will be locked into longer-term carbon dependency and unable to benefit from economies of scale if they only operate nationally.
Strong thought leadership will be needed to achieve this change of mindset.
France has an opportunity to build bridges between groups of member states, working alongside the upcoming presidencies of the EU.
Denmark, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Austria are all willing partners in this, as they are already cooperating to implement the European Green Deal.

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