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[보건] Serbia - Second Serbia Health Project

세르비아 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2023-07-25 등록일 : 2023-07-31 원문링크

Ratings for the Second Serbia Health Project for Serbia were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was satisfactory and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality was substantial. Some lessons learned included: strong ownership and commitment of the Ministry of Health (MoH) are critical, particularly in the case of reform-oriented projects. Continuous involvement of the Bank in a specific sector is very important for building the trust and the success of the operation in that sector. Providing continuous guidance and actively engaging in the overall sector policy dialogue was crucial in ensuring consistency of the messages being delivered to the government. Ensuring adequate and continuous staffing is critical. Fully staffed Project Coordination Unit (PCU), responsible for overall project implementation, is crucial for the successful completion of project activities and for maintaining productive policy dialogue between the Bank and the MoH. All stakeholders should be engaged in the preparation and implementation of the project, as well as in the evaluation of the results, in order to have synergistic effect and institutionalize responsibility. Though the Project was ambitious, it achieved its objectives. However, there is a need for a more concerted efforts to improve health outcomes through strengthening primary health care (PHC) to better prevent non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and ensure early diagnostic and better disease management. The Project provides a good example of linking big capital investments, including the financing of linear accelerator (LINACs), to institutional reforms aimed at improving efficiency and quality of the health care system. Use of digital technologies could seriously improve the quality of health services by supporting the implementation of clinical protocols and pathways, connecting health professionals with each other for proper data exchange and finding optimal solutions for patient treatment.

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