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[사회] Subjective assessment of traffic rules compliance in bulgaria: Role of personality and driving style

불가리아 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 발간일 : 2024-08-25 등록일 : 2024-08-29 원문링크

It is generally accepted that driving is safer when the rules are obeyed. Therefore, the pursuit of greater compliance with traffic rules is often seen as an intermediate goal in ensuring road safety. The article presents two studies that aim to investigate the subjective assessment of traffic rules compliance and the role of personality and behavioural factors such as anxiety, sensation seeking, driving anger, aggressive driving, and risky driving (Study 1; N=1433) on the one hand, and driving style (Study 2; N=456) on the other hand. The studies also examine the differences in traffic rules compliance by age, sex, driving experience, and negative driving outcomes such as registered violations, driving licence suspensions, and involvement traffic accidents. Self-report methods are used to assess personality factors, driving style, traffic rules compliance, and negative driving outcomes. The results show a generally positive assessment of compliance with traffic rules among the participants, with the majority reporting compliance in their daily driving behaviour. Study 1 indicates that all personality factors investigated are significant predictors of traffic rules compliance. Study 2 demonstrates that the risky style, the irrational style, the distress-reduction style, and the patient and careful style are significant predictors of traffic rule compliance. Demographic differences are also observed, with women being significantly more likely than men to perceive themselves as compliant drivers. In terms of negative driving outcomes, both studies demonstrate that individuals with a record of driving violations in the last three years, a suspended driving licence, and involvement in a traffic accident are significantly less likely to rate themselves as compliant. The results can contribute to the development of prevention programmes and road safety strategies to promote safer driving behaviour.

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