[경제] Carbon footprint analysis of sugar production in Poland
폴란드 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Food and Bioproducts Processing 발간일 : 2024-09-05 등록일 : 2024-09-06 원문링크
Food production is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity loss, highlighting the need for a comprehensive approach to identify and reduce emissions. Efficient energy use is critical, alongside the adoption of low-carbon technologies that help agriculture and food processing adapt to climate change. Carbon footprint (CF) analysis is a key tool for assessing the environmental impact of food production and distribution, requiring a thorough evaluation of each product's life cycle from production to consumption. This study focused on the sugar production CF in three Polish plants, examining technological processes and creating unit process diagrams of the production cycle. This analysis led to the development of a database to calculate the CF based on production volume. The determined CF was 0.14–0.27 kg CO2eq/kg, and the average CFav: for plant 1–0.18; for plant 2–0.19; for plant 3–0.19 kg CO2eq/kg. Continuous monitoring is essential, allowing production practices to adapt to changing conditions and ensuring quick responses to sustainability needs. Reducing the sugar production CF involves several strategies, including adopting sustainable cultivation practices, optimizing production processes, using renewable energy sources, improving transportation efficiency, and minimizing waste. Together, these measures promote more environmentally responsible sugar production. By prioritizing sustainability and embracing innovative solutions, the food industry can significantly reduce its environmental impact, meeting the challenges of climate change and biodiversity loss.
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