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International Conference on Paradigms of Communication, Computing and Data Sciences (PCCDS 2021)
지역인도ㆍ남아시아 기간2021-05-07 ~ 2021-05-09
주최기관National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra and Soft Computing Research Society(SCRS) 장소HARYANA, India

Website: https://www.pccds21.scrs.in/
Contact person: Dr. Mohit Dua

The PCCDS21 aims to bring together leading academicians, scientists, researcher scholars, UG/PG graduates across the globe to exchange and share their research outcomes. For more details, please visit the conference website: https://pccds21.scrs.in/.

Organized by: National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra and Soft Computing Research Society(SCRS)
Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 25th February 2020
링크 https://conferences.com/show-event?id=232200