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Kenya Urbanization Review

케냐 국외연구자료 기타 - THE WORD BANK 발간일 : 2016-02-16 등록일 : 2016-03-12 원문링크

This Kenya urbanization review takes a deep look at Kenya’s urbanization process. It provides initial policy options in several key areas including housing and basic services, land use and transport, planning, subnational finance, and local economic development. These are not the only areas of concern for Kenya’s urban practitioners and policy makers. But they were identified as areas for more in-depth study during initial stakeholder consultations and as key priorities in consultations with government experts. It is hoped that the Review will serve to raise understanding of the important opportunity that urbanization presents for the country, informing policy makers and interested parties alike and expanding dialogue on Kenya’s urbanization. The review is laid out in three parts. The first looks at some of the demographic, economic, and spatial trends of Kenya’s urban areas (chapter one). The second describes the challenges or threats to a smooth urban transition: large, growing informality and inequality within and between urban areas, in three categories of access (chapters two, three, and four). The third examines the modern institutions needed to address the challenges head on and to ensure that Kenya’s cities have the opportunity to serve as true drivers of economic growth (chapters five, six, and seven).

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