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[환경] Offshore Energy Development in Poland—Social and Economic Dimensions

폴란드 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Energies 발간일 : 2024-04-01 등록일 : 2024-05-03 원문링크

The development of green technology in the world is progressing extremely rapidly. New possibilities for obtaining energy from renewable sources are constantly being sought and existing solutions are being improved. The multifaceted potential of the seas and oceans is an important aspect being taken into account in the development of the energy systems of a number of economies. One dimension of action in this area is the orientation towards offshore wind energy and the construction of offshore wind farms for this purpose. The purpose of this article is to analyse the importance of offshore wind farms in Poland’s energy system and to assess public perception of the changes taking place in this dimension. The article is based on research and critical analysis of the available literature, legal regulations and industry reports, as well as on the results of our own surveys, the scientific findings of which were developed with the application of statistical instruments using PQstat software, ensuring the expected quality of results. The findings of the article indicate the significant importance of offshore wind farms in the creation of Poland’s energy mix, with differing public attitudes towards their construction. Furthermore, the results of the research indicate a differentiated attitude of society towards the construction of offshore wind farms. The main motivation for majority support of the measure in question are economic reasons, which are connected with the expectation of a real price reduction per 1 kW of energy, as well as increased attractiveness of the region due to investments in this area. The main concern with the measure relates to environmental aspects, with concerns about the functioning of ecosystems in light of the construction and subsequent operation of wind farms. Negative public opinion is also signalled in relation to the potential risk of landscape change in a direction that is undesirable for the studied developed coastal tourist region in Poland.

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