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Cross Cultural Dimensions of Cultural Capital: A Comparison Between Greece and Turkey

튀르키예 국외연구자료 기타 Mehmet Ali Ali Ozcobanlar, omasz Ochinowski, Bulent Acma Canadian Social Science 발간일 : 2015-04-26 등록일 : 2016-01-12 원문링크

In this research, cross cultural dimensions between two ancient societies, Greece and Turkey have been examined and compared. In addition, West and Anatolia were also compared based on selected cross cultural dimensions. Cross cultural dimensions were evaluated in 11 factors: Education, Political Trust, Voluntary Work, Political Participation, Life Satisfaction Component, and Trust in People, Fear of Others, Life Satisfaction, Happiness, Income and Deprivation Index. In the research, a rhetorical analysis was also performed based on interviews with selected organizations in Greece and Turkey. According to results of the research, all 11 factors of cross cultural dimension were statistically significant between two countries (p<.05). Education levels were higher in Greece. Turkish people trust more political institutions. Greek people were less volunteering for community and social services. Political participation was higher in Turkish participants. Greek participants were more satisfied with education, accommodation, health and social life. Greek participants had less trust to other people. Life satisfaction level was higher in Turkish participants. Happiness levels of Greek participants were also lower. Income levels of Greek participants were lower, where deprivation index was higher in Turkish participants.


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