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Spatial differentiation and core-periphery structures in Romania

루마니아 국외연구자료 기타 Jozsef BENEDEK Eastern Journal of European Studies 발간일 : 2015-02-01 등록일 : 2016-02-19

Our paper focuses on the spatial differentiation of economic development in Romania. We use spatial econometric methods (spatial autocorrelation) in order to determine the differentiation of the country in core regions and peripheries. The analysis is carried out on the regional spatial scale (NUTS 3 units or counties) and covers the period 2000-2011. The main results show a pronounced spatial polarization and spatial autocorrelation of economic development (proxied by GDP per capita) in Romania in some core regions (the capital Bucharest), while an extended periphery, comprising the eastern part of Transylvania, Moldova and northern Muntenia is lagging behind. The analysis of the multidimensional development (Human Development Index) has revealed the existence of some regional polarizing centres (Iași, Constanța), while the spatial configuration of cores and peripheries shows a different picture: beside the capital region, there is a second core area in the central part of Transylvania, while the eastern periphery is centred on the county Brăila.


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