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The Impacts of Consumer Ethnocentrism on Foreign Product Judgment and Local Helping Purchase: A Case of Malaysian Cross-Border Shoppers in Hatyai, Thailand

태국 국외연구자료 기타 Wanwisa Kuncharin, Badaruddin Mohamed International Journal of Business and Management 발간일 : 2014-07-20 등록일 : 2016-07-22 원문링크

Cross-border shopping is the phenomenon when consumers travel to an adjacent country for the specific purposeof purchasing products or services and purchasing activities that can be made during a business or tourist visit. Itis also viewed as a subcategory of tourism and leisure. Hatyai, Thailand is located around 30 km from theMalaysian border. The statistics reports that each year more than 400,000 Malaysian visitors visited Hatyai,Thailand. This study aims to investigate the impact of consumer ethnocentrism on foreign product judgment andlocal helping purchase. The data were collected through self-administered questionnaires among a sample of 423Malaysian tourists who have done some shopping in Hatyai, Thailand. The results revealed that consumerethnocentrism have a significant negative impact on foreign product judgment, while consumer ethnocentrismhas a significant positive impact on local helping purchase. The result from this study would be helpful indesigning and improving effective marketing strategies and conducting marketing campaigns for retailers andtourism marketers on both sides of the border while satisfying the needs of the shoppers.


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