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[교육] 라오스 교육과정 및 수학과 교육과정과 교과서 조사 연구

라오스 국내연구자료 학술논문 김성준 동남아연구 발간일 : 2011-01-31 등록일 : 2017-09-08 원문링크

This study revised and supplemented a report of "Experts Dispatch on The Project Developing and Publishing Textbooks for Secondary Schools in Lao PDR". Firstly, this study overviews 'Draft of Time-table of the Laos New Curriculum', compares this new curriculum with the present curriculum. Secondly, it focuses mathematics (present and new) curriculum. As a result, we find that mathematics times in primary school is not changed from grade 1 to grade 5, but there are many changes in secondary school, especially in upper secondary school. Thirdly, this study compares Laos mathematics textbooks with Korea, Japan etc. textbooks. Laos mathematics textbook's contents are focused on number and operations(computations and the four fundamental rules of arithmetic). Especially these phenomenon is intense in the lower grades. Finally, this study suggests for development of Laos new curriculum. For example, we suggest that more various strands, so to speak figures and probability etc., are including to primary mathematics textbooks at this new curriculum development. Also we suggest two concerning of mathematics contents in upper secondary school. One is to review and reconsider the difficulty level in the subjects areas(algebra, geometry, calculus etc.). The other is to get out of simple practices(too many practices) and toward true problem solving. In order to these works, curriculum development team must investigate many various references and mathematics textbooks in other countries including Korea, Japan mathematics textbooks.

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