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[군사] Attack Patterns and Trajectories of Terrorist Groups in East and South Asia

동남아시아 일반 국외연구자료 연구보고서 Kang Wook, Lee Julak, Chun Yongtae Korea Institute for Defense Analyses 발간일 : 2014-09-30 등록일 : 2017-11-02 원문링크

As most studies on terrorism have placed an emphasis on the terrorist attacksagainst the United States or European countries, the authors have designed anunprecedented research that instead examines fatal and nonfatal attacks in Eastand South Asia. Eight terrorist groups are selected and the attacks carried out bythem from 2000 to 2011 are analyzed. Through the analysis, the authors havefound that secular terrorism is most common in East and South Asia, while theterrorist groups targeting Western countries are rooted in religious terrorism. Inaddition, almost seven out of ten attacks in East and South Asia have led to fatalities. Furthermore, there was a terrorism boom from 2005 to 2008 in East and South Asia,and international cooperation is contributing to the declining number of terroristattacks in these regions. Policy implications and limitations are also discussed. 

As most studies on terrorism have placed an emphasis on the terrorist attacksagainst the United States or European countries, the authors have designed anunprecedented research that instead examines fatal and nonfatal attacks in Eastand South Asia. Eight terrorist groups are selected and the attacks carried out bythem from 2000 to 2011 are analyzed. Through the analysis, the authors havefound that secular terrorism is most common in East and South Asia, while theterrorist groups targeting Western countries are rooted in religious terrorism. Inaddition, almost seven out of ten attacks in East and South Asia have led to fatalities. Furthermore, there was a terrorism boom from 2005 to 2008 in East and South Asia,and international cooperation is contributing to the declining number of terroristattacks in these regions. Policy implications and limitations are also discussed.


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