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[경제] Improving Starting a Business in Lao PDR

라오스 국외연구자료 연구보고서 World Bank World Bank 발간일 : 2019-10-01 등록일 : 2019-12-18 원문링크

Reforming the business environment, as measured by the Doing Business indicators, remains a top priority for the Government of Lao PDR (GoL). Based on the Prime Minister's Order No.02 on Feb. 1, 2018, relevant line ministries have started to reform indicator-linked areas by setting up working committees led by deputy ministers and comprised of senior and technical officials from relevant departments. The Prime Minister has issued subsequent notifications to strengthen and further guide this process. The Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) is overseeing coordination with line ministries on respective reform plans, monitoring implementation and reporting progress to the Prime Minister on a monthly basis and to the National Assembly every six months. The Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MOIC) is the most active ministry implementing PM Order No.02 and is leading reform initiatives on the Starting a Business and Trading Across Borders indicators. This note summarizes key reforms within the policy area of Starting a Business, with the MOIC spearheading the streamlining of business registration procedures, eliminating unnecessary document requirements and coordinating with other relevant ministries to eliminate redundant procedures related to business establishment. MOIC Decision No.0023/MOIC (Jan 9, 2019) is fundamentally transforming the business registration process by removing the implicit approval process for company registration and reducing duplication of requirements to obtain operating licenses to start operations, as is good practice. The following sections will communicate key changes to the enterprise registration process, implementation status, potential reforms and impacts on the Starting a Business indicator as well as selected reform recommendations going forward. 

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