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[보건] Engaging with Civil Society in the Health Sector in Indonesia

인도네시아 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2019-09-01 등록일 : 2020-08-19 원문링크

As Indonesia’s economic is growing, the country’s eligibility to external financing has become more limited. The sustainability of traditionally donor-funded programs become uncertain, as well as some of the key programs interventions that are delivered by CSOs. While the country remains eligible at least for the next round of the global fund (GF) funding there is a strong push to use domestic resources from the government. The policy note examines existing public mechanisms to channel funds to CSO, as well as challenges to their more widespread use. Common barriers cited by stakeholders can be grouped around three main themes: i) lack of information, ii) limited capacity, and iii) incomplete trust. The note also provides recommendations to facilitate, and to create an enabling environment for improved engagement between the Government of Indonesia and non-state providers.

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