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[경제] Flexible Inflation Targeting and Macroeconomic Performance: Evidence from ASEAN

동남아시아 일반 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - PIER 발간일 : 2023-10-03 등록일 : 2023-11-03 원문링크

The experience of flexible inflation targeting in ASEAN-5 has been favorable. This paper shows improvements in macroeconomic outcomes consistent with the framework’s mandated objectives: lower levels and volatility of inflation, more stable economic growth and a well-functioned financial system. ASEAN-5 economies can cope well with a se- quence of past shocks and crises, although the marginal contribution of the inflation targeting framework itself is still not clear-cut. Over the past 20 years, policy frameworks of ASEAN-5, similar to other emerging market economies, have continuously evolved to incorporate various policy tools, which include foreign exchange intervention, macropru- dential policy and capital flow measures. This reflects challenges emanated from capital flow volatility and domestic financial imbalances. A multitude of policy tools are ar- guably one of the key factors contributing to the sound macroeconomic outcome during the post-targeting periods.

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