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[경제] The increasing role of Indonesian women in soil science: Current & future challenges

인도네시아 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - ScienceDirect 발간일 : 2022-02-24 등록일 : 2022-04-07 원문링크

Gender equality is one of the UN sustainable development goals less discussed in soil science in Indonesia. There is limited information regarding soil science education, and the role of women in Indonesia. This study aimed to provide an overview of the issue of gender equality in Indonesian soil science. We surveyed the number of women soil science students, lecturers, and researchers from 2016 to 2020. Twenty-seven soil science undergraduate programs were identified across government-owned universities in Indonesia. The number of students in soil science is steadily increasing in the last five years, each year with about 1500 new students enroll in soil science. The number of female students also increased with an average proportion of 55% in 2020. However, the number of women academics was only 30%, representing a disproportion of gender equity. The Indonesian soil science society had 35% women members. Students still perceive soil science would be better taught by men lecturers as it involves fieldwork. Nevertheless, more students preferred to be supervised by women lecturers. Our data also revealed that women academics had less opportunity to receive Ph.D. degrees, became professors, and occupied leadership positions in the university. We discuss barriers that hinder women's academics careers in Indonesia, including social and cultural values and organizational barriers. Soil science academics should prepare a gender-equal soil science workforce to the growing population. Thus, supporting the Indonesian soil scientists' women and achieving a more gender balance target is vital for accelerating soil science education, enhancing research opportunities, and managing agriculture to support economic growth.

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