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[경제] Indonesia Gender Equality for Growth PASA: What’s Holding Women Back? A Qualitative Study of Constraints Underlying Women’s Labor Force Participation in Indonesia - The Case of Java

인도네시아 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - World Bank 발간일 : 2023-06-27 등록일 : 2023-07-09 원문링크

The study identifies the important role of parents in the life plans particularly of young females. In nearly all cases, parents dominate the decision-making processes of daughters more than of sons. Here the socioeconomic condition of parents as well as their educational background seems to play an important role, with well-educated parents from a modern and urbanized background seeming to support individual decision-making processes of their daughters more than those belonging to conservative background as well as poor families who need their daughters to work as soon as possible. Unfortunately, parental decisions could in fact constrain girls and women’s access to the labor market. Those females who had to respect parental decisions instead of choosing a job in line with their academic background and skills and reflecting their ambitions expressed a higher willingness to drop out of the labor market in order to do family care work and side jobs, while those who were enabled to make their own choices appreciated this and were motivated by it.

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