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[보건] The Path to Vietnam's Welfare System Sustainability: Current State and Challenges

베트남 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - International Journal of Public Administration Management and Economic Development 발간일 : 2024-01-01 등록일 : 2024-01-26 원문링크

Vietnam's journey towards ensuring the long-term sustainability of its welfare system is a critical endeavor in the face of evolving economic, social, and demographic landscapes. As the nation continues to strive for inclusive development and social well-being, an examination of the present scenario of its welfare programs becomes imperative. This exploration unveils both the achievements and challenges that form the foundation of Vietnam's current welfare landscape. Against the backdrop of economic growth and changing societal dynamics, the assessment of the welfare system's effectiveness is pivotal. This introductory exploration aims to shed light on the existing strengths and weaknesses, providing a comprehensive understanding of the intricate web of policies and practices shaping the well-being of the Vietnamese population. However, the path to sustained welfare faces numerous hurdles, encompassing economic constraints, demographic shifts, and institutional challenges. These obstacles not only pose immediate threats but also have profound implications for the long-term viability of the welfare system. In navigating these hurdles, Vietnam stands at a critical juncture, requiring strategic interventions and visionary policies to ensure the resilience and adaptability of its welfare framework. This study delves into the present scenario of Vietnam's welfare system, analyzing its strengths and weaknesses, and subsequently explores the multifaceted hurdles that lie ahead. Through a comprehensive examination, we aim to identify potential strategies and solutions, drawing on global best practices and tailored approaches, to pave the way for a sustainable and robust welfare system in Vietnam. As the nation confronts these challenges, the outcomes of this investigation aim to inform and guide policymakers, practitioners, and stakeholders in fostering enduring social welfare and inclusive development for the Vietnamese people.

본 페이지에 등재된 자료는 운영기관(KIEP)EMERiCs의 공식적인 입장을 대변하고 있지 않습니다.
