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[기업] The Landscape of B2C e-commerce marketplaces in Singapore

싱가포르 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - ESCAP(Economic and Social Commission For Asia and the Pacific) 발간일 : 2024-02-27 등록일 : 2024-03-13 원문링크

Singapore shows a particularly high internet penetration rate (96%) and a sizeable proportion of e-commerce users (62%). In addition. the density of B2C marketplaces is in the middle range with a total of 191 e-commerce websites for a population of 5.6 million (3.8% of the total traffic in the region studied).

Over the period 2019-2022, traffic on the 191 B2C marketplaces has grown significantly, apart from a slight decrease in 2022, from 771 to 862 million visits. Among them, online shopping malls account for the largest proportion of marketplaces (46.1%) and capture most of the traffic (66.7%).

The e-commerce market is dominated by domestic companies (37%), but closely followed by the United States (24%). Of the total 191 B2C marketplaces, there is an important geographical diversity given the 28 other countries with companies holding B2C marketplaces.

The e-commerce market is relatively concentrated, with the Top 10 leading websites capturing 77.7% of the total traffic. This Top 10 is largely dominated by online shopping malls, 6 in total, and with companies mainly from Singapore (7), the United States (2) and China (1).

Regarding the ease of selling on these B2C marketplaces, only 50% allow foreign sellers to operate and 55% offer open registration to online sellers. Almost half of these marketplaces are fully transactional (48%) and, as a corollary, 50% require trading fees to sell online.

Singapore has a balanced proportion of generic (56%) and specialized B2C marketplaces (44%). Among the 84 specialized marketplaces, 30% specialize in fashion, accessories, and shoes (capturing 18% of the traffic) and 20% in automotive parts (25% of the traffic). The traffic dynamics also show that consumers’ preferences strongly lean towards electronics & IT (36% of the traffic).

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