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[환경] Form a climate club: United States, European Union and China

중동부유럽 일반 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Nature 발간일 : 2021-03-23 등록일 : 2021-04-23 원문링크

Joe Biden’s presidency of the United States is an opportunity to realize a long-discussed approach to global warming: a climate club. The United States, the European Union and China together emit half of the world’s greenhouse gases. They must come together to cut domestic emissions and levy a carbon tax on imports. That would incentivize all nations to cut their emissions.

Nobel-prizewinning economist William Nordhaus proposed the climate-club idea in 20151. He suggested that a group of countries should agree to manage emissions to a strict level and coordinate tariffs on imports from others. Nations would want to join the club to avoid trade penalties.

And there is a way to do it. World Trade Organization (WTO) rules allow ‘carbon border adjustment’ charges — taxes on carbon emissions that are released during the manufacture of imported goods2.

A carbon tax on imports to the world’s three biggest economic blocs could catalyse tough climate action globally. Without it, free-riding is inevitable — too many countries will wait for others to act rather than push ahead with costly reductions.

The idea should be on the agenda at Biden’s climate summit on 22 April. To support it, researchers need to develop an internationally recognized methodology for measuring the carbon content of complex goods.

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