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38th International Research Conference on Business, Economics and Social Sciences, IRC-2018
지역중동부유럽 기간2018-04-29 ~ 2018-04-30
주최기관International Organization for Research and Development (IORD) 장소Istanbul, Turkey

29th to 30th April 2018 
Istanbul, Turkey 

Website: http://www.ircconferences.com/upcommings/istanbul-conference.html 
Contact person: Dr. Haque 

Academicians and researchers are invited to submit full-length papers, research-in-progress papers, case studies, doctoral dissertation, or abstracts to "38th International Research Conference on Business, Economics and Social Sciences, IRC-2018". 

Organized by: International Organization for Research and Development (IORD) 
Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 15th April 2018 

Check the event website for more details. 


링크 https://bit.ly/2q6wPOR