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Working Paper - Cooperating out of Isolation: The Case of Migrant Domestic Workers in Lebanon, Jordan and Kuwait

아프리카ㆍ 중동 일반 / 쿠웨이트 국외연구자료 기타 ILO ILO 발간일 : 2015-02-12 등록일 : 2015-05-04 원문링크


For the past decade, the International Labour Organization (ILO) has been advocating for the need to bring an end to exploitative practices facilitated by the kafala system. This study contributes to this aim by mapping current legislative and policy frameworks, institutional structures and membership-based initiatives in Jordan, Kuwait and Lebanon that could allow and promote domestic workers’ economic enterprises and solidarity economy organizations.

This paper is inspired by examples of domestic workers organizing themselves in different parts of the world through social and solidarity economy enterprises and organizations which have become more evident since the advent of the ILO Domestic Workers Convention 2011, (No.189). It analyses current legislative and policy frameworks, institutional structures and membership-based initiatives that could allow and promote domestic workers’ social and solidarity economy enterprises and organizations in three countries in the Middle East; Jordan, Kuwait and Lebanon. The paper is meant to generate reflection and discussion on opportunities and options contributing to the realization of decent work for domestic workers in line with the ILO Domestic Workers Convention 2011, (No.189). Information contained in this document has been validated at a roundtable discussion that took place in Amman 14-15 December 2014, during which participants from Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon and Oman as well as global initiatives and international networks of domestic workers shared their experiences.

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