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Consumers' Perceptions of Banks Country of Origin in the UAE

아랍에미리트 국외연구자료 기타 Mohammad Naim Chaker Eurasian Journal of Economics and Finance 발간일 : 2015-03-01 등록일 : 2016-01-21 원문링크

The overarching objective of this research paper is to undertake an analysis of the Country of Origin (COO) influence on banking services. The paper assesses consumers’ perceptions and selection of banking services in the UAE. This study is based on a survey exercise conducted across UAE. Based on a review of literature, several research propositions were formulated. These relate to consumers’ choice of and factors considered in choosing two categories of banks: local and foreign banks. Empirical research was used to test the propositions. The country of origin may be an important element in the perceptions consumers have of banking services especially where little other information is known in the context of a developing country. Analysis shows that the local bank services were perceived to have "higher prices in general" and to offer "more value for money" than the foreign bank services. This study is important as it has great implications for decision making and the literature focusing on banking services in the Middle East.


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