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Post-Rose Revolution Georgia: How Democratization Went Wrong - and Why Authoritarianism also May have Backfired

조지아 국외연구자료 기타 Michael Dobbins Euxeinos : Governance and Culture in the Black Sea Region 발간일 : 2013-01-01 등록일 : 2016-02-25

This essay outlines how the redesign of Georgian political institutions after the Rose Revolution was largely driven by the power-seeking strategies of the new elite. Building on previous critical assessments of the post-revolution reforms, the author argues that the new elite engaged in the “strategic institutional transfer”. While publically touting western institutions as a basis for reform, the reformers strategically neglected crucial components of the institutions which they aimed to transfer. This ultimately strengthened authoritarian institutions behind a democratic façade. To conclude, the author discusses discuss how this power-seeking strategy may have recently backfired in the recent parliamentary elections and potentially “accidentally” contributed to the democratization of Georgia.


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