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The Migration Phenomenon in Republic of Moldova

몰도바 국외연구자료 기타 Gabriela Neacsu, Daniel Daneci-Patrau, Carmen Elena Coca Acta Universitatis Danubius : Administratio 발간일 : 2013-01-01 등록일 : 2016-03-04 원문링크

Migration is a phenomenon which experienced an unprecedented scale in the last twenty years. The socio-geo-political and economic changes which took place in Europe after 1990 led to an influx of people from east to west. Most often those who left their countries came from among the former socialist countries. This paper is a continuation of a study published last year entitled “Employment of Labor Force in Albania and Moldova - Evolution and Trends” in which was made a” snapshot “of the labor situation in the two countries aspiring to accede to the European Union. In this paper, we focused on the Republic of Moldova as Romania’s neighbor, followed by a future study to address the phenomenon of migration in Albania. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the phenomenon of migration from the Republic of Moldova and its immediate consequences upon Romania and the European Union. The hypothesis from which we started this study is that: Romania, as a friend and neighbor country of the Republic of Moldova, attracts a large number of Moldovan citizens who become full citizens, Romanian or of other nationalities in the EU. The study was conducted during 2001-2010 and was based on: the census in Moldova in 2004 (last done in this country), information from the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova, the statistical database respectively, and information processed from the Romanian Statistical Yearbook 2008.

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