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Energy products - one of supporting pillars of geopolitical power of Russia

러시아 국외연구자료 기타 Jeftić-Šarčević Nevenka, Stojić-Karanović Edita Medjunarodni Problemi 발간일 : 2013-03-06 등록일 : 2016-03-31 원문링크

The pillars of the Russian political power are as follows: nuclear power, the United Nations veto power, possession and trade in energy products. In comparison with other countries on the international energy market Russia has enormous energy and mineral resources. It uses them as an instrument of pursuing of its foreign policy and gaining regional and global power. Building of the South Stream enables Russia to expand its power in the Mediterranean, South Europe and in the African pipeline areas. Russia has developed several projects covering a broader Euro-Asian and Mediterranean area. In this way, it has positioned itself for a global energy acting through which it attempts to achieve its aim of exerting its global political influence establishing itself as a global energy super power.

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