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Assessing the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Learning Capability in Private Higher Educational Institutions in Egypt and India: A Comparative Study

이집트 국외연구자료 기타 Tarek A. El Badawy, Shalini Srivastava, Mariam B. Sadek International Journal of Business Administration 발간일 : 2014-11-16 등록일 : 2016-05-24 원문링크

The purpose of this paper is to make a comparative study between Egypt and India aiming to measure the impact of three variables, which are: Emotional Intelligence (EI), Job Satisfaction (JS) and Organizational Learning Capability (OLC) among academicians in private Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) in both countries Egypt and India. Data was collected from private HEIs in Egypt and India. The study employs standardized scales for Emotional Intelligence, Organizational Learning Capability and Job satisfaction variables. Sample consists of 100 faculty members from Egypt, and 100 faculty members from India. Various standard statistical tools such as Karl Pearson coefficient of correlation, t-test and regression analysis were used to interpret the data. The findings of this paper were interesting. It was found that the relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Job Satisfaction was non-significant, however, the relationship between the Organizational Learning Capability and the Job Satisfaction was found to be significant, with regards to both countries, Egypt and India. It was also found that there is a non-significant relationship between OLC and EI in India but a significant one between OLC and EI in Egypt. Another main finding is that the OLC, in Egypt, when found to be high, the relation between EI-JS was found to be positive and almost significant. However, when having low level of OLC, the EI-JS relationship was found to be inverse and non-significant. For the limitations and implications; it is due to certain features of the sample and the use of measurement scales, that the final results should be considered with caution. Further research in other contexts using qualitative methods is needed to validate the findings. To make it more practical, it could be concluded that seeking to develop the employees in the workplace is found to be of a great importance, since that the organizational learning capability was found to be related to the Job Satisfaction and positively affecting it. For the originality of this paper, it is worth to mention that this paper is considered as the first comparative study between Egypt and India in the topic of Emotional Intelligence and Job Satisfaction.


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