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Power and Socio˗cultural Conflict in the 1920-ies in Russia (on Materials of the South of Russia)

러시아 국외연구자료 기타 Susanna D. Bagdasaryan European Researcher 발간일 : 2014-04-14 등록일 : 2016-06-01 원문링크

The twentieth century went down in world history as the time of the Genesis of socio-cultural picture of the global world. A special role in the formation of new paradigms technetronic society played the October revolution and post-revolution syndrome that destroyed the outlook of traditional society. In terms of public socio-cultural policy in Soviet Russia, aimed at the creation of a secular culture, but in the context of the ideology of building a Communist society implemented the formation of Soviet man impersonal state propaganda. In the article the problems of interaction between government and peasant society in the 1920-ies in the South of Russia on the basis of the facts of the collision policy of the Soviet state and traditional festive peasant culture are considered.

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