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Assessing the Success of ICT’s from a User Perspective: Case Study of Coffee Research Foundation, Kenya

케냐 국외연구자료 기타 Michael W. Makokha, Daniel O. Ochieng Journal of Management and Strategy 발간일 : 2014-10-16 등록일 : 2016-06-14 원문링크

The study was conducted to validate the application of DeLone & McLean’s Information System (IS) success model (2003) in a local setup in Kenya and to evaluate the success of an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system from a user perspective. It was carried out at Coffee Research Foundation (CRF) in Kenya. A number of past studies to measure the success of information systems in different settings were reviewed leading to the choice and use of the updated DeLone & McLean IS success model in this study. The research involved the use of questionnaires as well as interviews and focus group discussion (FGD). A number of hypotheses were formulated and tested and the results indicated that the updated DeLone & McLean’s IS success model was valid as a useful model for this particular study. The study also indicated that the variables system quality, information quality, and service quality stood out as critical determinants of how information and communication technology systems can be used to improve organizational performance.

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