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The South America East Coast Reefer Cargo: A Diagnosis of a Competitive Market

칠레 국외연구자료 기타 Galvão Cassia Bömer, Robles Leo Tadeu IBIMA Business Review 발간일 : 2014-12-31 등록일 : 2016-06-15 원문링크

This paper analyses reefer cargo maritime shipping characteristics and development in South American East Coast ports. The geographical area studied goes from Punta Arenas (Chile) to Manaus (Brazil). The study main hypothesis is reefer shipping as a profitable market niche in spite of higher operation costs and a very demanding supply chain. The paper comprises three sections: the first one describes global reefer cargo transportation general characteristics; the second, reefer shipping in South American ports, focusing five main issues: (1) Cargo flows; (2) Ports infrastructure; (3) Post-Panamax vessels operation and its economies of scale; (4) Shippers and carriers’ mergers and acquisitions processes and (5) Containerization process; finally, it investigates the marketing relationship between shippers and shipping liners. The exploratory study was based on technical reports and statistics analysis, and interviews with industry executives, performing a multicase study. The general conclusions indicate that South American reefer market has concluded most of its containerization process and is moving fast towards a concentrated market of players. Some experts consider that the market will keep increasing as a result of the improved quality of products and enhancing cold logistics services provision in spite of the international crisis, due to emergent markets buying and more demanding clients.

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