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Bolivia - Chile Conflict Analysis of the Bilateral Negotiations

볼리비아 국내연구자료 기타 Fabiola Stephanie Vidaurre Belmonte 한국외국어대학교 발간일 : 2015-08-20 등록일 : 2016-08-18 원문링크

Historically, being a landlocked country has been disadvantageous because it cuts the country off from sea resources, such as fishing or international trade. However, being a landlocked country with a bad relationship with its neighbor makes its development process even more difficult. Bolivia lost its access to the Pacific Ocean in 1879 due to the Pacific War against Chile. Since then, Bolivia and Chile had various attempts of negotiation to solve Bolivia’s landlocked status, but those attempts failed. In 2006, Bolivia and Chile started a new negotiation with a new approach regarding the common political situation due to Evo Morales from Bolivia and Michelle Bachelet from Chile were leftist governments. However, the negotiation ceased in 2010 without any official agreement (treaty) because of the transition from Bachelet to Sebastian Piñera, who had a different position regarding the negotiations with Bolivia. Nowadays, Bolivia and Chile are waiting for the Resolution of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) regarding the request for ‘good faith negotiation.'
The thesis will analyze the 2006 negotiation the underlying factors for the failures of negotiations. To analyze the negotiation process, the author used the methodology presented in the Harvard Negotiation Theory (Fisher and Ury, 1987). This theory seeks to achieve a better negotiation process to improve the quality of trade. Moreover, The Ripeness Theory (Zartman, 2000) seeks to understand the motivation and the optimism of the actors/ countries at the moment they faced the negotiation. To identify the motivations and the optimism of the actors, the author used the historical analysis to present the most significant events of the conflict and the negotiation process.
Among all the reasons the negotiations failed, the political instability of Bolivia is the one that affects negotiations the most. Establishing relations with a new government and/ or new rules decreases the mutual trust between the countries, which is the most important element for a “win – win” negotiated agreement.

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