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Mexico-Guatemala border mobility as represented in the everyday lives of Central American workers

멕시코 국외연구자료 기타 Diego Noel Ramos Rojas Estudios Fronterizos 발간일 : 2016-10-14 등록일 : 2016-10-14 원문링크

This study explores the human mobility experience of transborder workers who travel to localities in Chiapas for the purpose of working in a specific economic sector. The workers, who are primarily Central Americans, experience everyday life trajectories that are shaped by mobility practices linked to migratory, labor, and private spheres. From the social perspective of everyday life, the author seeks to analyze this sector's border crossing experience, which occurs in one of the most important regions with regard to population flow: the southern border between Mexico and Guatemala. A labor market has been formed in this region in which some social actors are able to construct ways of life based on their daily mobility and their recognition of a difficult and controlled spatial and temporal dimension.


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