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Pledge Of The Land Plot Under The Law Of Continental Europe Countries And The Republic Of Kazakhstan

카자흐스탄 국외연구자료 기타 - Pravovaâ Iniciativa 발간일 : 2016-10-21 등록일 : 2016-10-21 원문링크

In the article the legal regulation and institutional features of mortgage of land in various European countries, that has developed legislation and transitional economies are researched. The processes of securing various types of these rights for land in modern law are analyzed. The order of occurrence, termination, as well as contents of this law is researched. Pledge (mortgage) of land is by it’s nature is the inherently limited real right, regulated by laws of modern countries. This land title applies to the land owned by individuals and entities and can be set in relation to land, which is in different forms of ownership. Mortgages are usually registered without the transfer of this property into the possession of the creditor. The subject of mortgage, in addition to real estate, may be land rights, for example, usufruct. It should also be noted that variety of mortgage forms in different countries exists, what is primarily related to the development of law in these countries. Meanwhile, it should be emphasized that the holder of mortgage is given the authority to prevent decrease in the value of real estate. Record of pledge (mortgage) of land is mandatorily placed into the special register in order to ensure its publicity.


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