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Agency Of The President To The Republic Of Tajikistan On The Financial Control And Fight Against Corruption Of The Republic Of Tajikistan As The Public Subject Of The Responsibility Of Officials Legal Regulation

타지키스탄 국외연구자료 기타 Alexander M. Volkov, M. Kh. Karimov Pravovaya Initsiativa: vserossiiskii nauchno-prakticheskii zhurnal 발간일 : 2014-08-07 등록일 : 2016-11-29 원문링크

In the present article questions of the public subjects which are carrying out legal regulation of taking to administrative responsibility of officials in the Republic of Tajikistan activity organization for the purpose of clarification of the role of Agency of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan on financial control and fight against corruption as a public subject of legal regulation are considered. In the modern science, questions of subjects of public law are discussed in several planes, some synonymous concepts are used at the same time: "subject of public law", "subject carrying out public functions", "subject of the public legal relationship" and "the public subject". So, such public subjects are the government bodies authorized by the administrative legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan and the specifics of it’s legal impact on the relevant group of public relations are the activities of the above in settlement of the official's administrative responsibility in the Republic of Tajikistan. Activity of such public subjects of the administrative responsibility legal regulation of officials in the Republic of Tajikistan represents a set of legal means by which the legal impact on the public relations arising at involvement of officials to the administrative responsibility in connection to the commission of administrative offenses by the official is analyzed. In the article offers of changes to the current legislation are given.

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