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The Impact of Source Credibility on Saudi Consumer’s Attitude toward Print Advertisement: The Moderating Role of Brand Familiarity

사우디아라비아 국외연구자료 기타 - International Journal of Marketing Studies 발간일 : 2011-03-03 등록일 : 2016-11-29 원문링크

An endorser or a spokesperson is frequently used by marketers in their product advertisements as a credible source that is hoped to influence the attitude of consumers in the marketplace toward the shown advertisement, the brand and most importantly their purchase intentions. Corporate credibility C/C – the reputation of a company for honesty and expertise is another type of source credibility that is said to influence consumers’ reaction to the shown product advertisements and shape their attitudes to brands. The present study assessed the impact of both source credibility (corporate credibility (C/C) and endorser credibility En/C) on Saudi consumers’ attitude toward advertising (Aad), attitude toward brand (Ab), and purchase intention (PI) when brand familiarity is tested. A study carried out in Saudi Arabia using 150 respondents as consumers who used cover head product of (AL-Bassam). Path analysis confirmed that, attractiveness of endorser had strengthened impact on (Aad), then expertise, while no effect for endorser trustworthiness on (Aad). While trustworthiness is significant in all C/C relations with the other variables (i.e. Aad, Ab and PI), there is no effect for PAB on relationship between (Aad) and (Ab).


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