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Marxist readings of the national popular e (of populist experiences) in Latin America in the work of Agustín Cueva and René Zavaleta

볼리비아 국외연구자료 기타 Blanca S. Fernández, Florencia Puente Cuestiones de sociología 발간일 : 2016-06-16 등록일 : 2017-01-12 원문링크

This article aims at analysing the written production of the Ecuadorian thinker Agustín Cueva and René Zavaleta, from Bolivia, regarding discussions on the populist experience and the national popular matrix in Latin America. Their major contributions are presented in a comparative mode and in two analytical axes: their characterizations about the conditions for the emergence of the populist experiences, and the political subject to which relate these experiences, and the distinction made by the authors between populism and national-popular matrix. From this last axis, in which reside their main theoretical arguments and their defense of the Marxist perspective on the Latin American scene, we study their views on the construction of hegemony and democratization processes in Latin America. This article provides an approach of two referents of Latin American Marxism whose thinking represents a legacy for Latin American Social Theory as a proposal for reflection on the updating of the debates around the populist experiences in the region in the last decade


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