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Effect of Nixtamalized Maize with Lime Water (Nejayote) on Rheological and Microbiological Properties of Masa

멕시코 국외연구자료 기타 C. Valderrama‐Bravo, F. Domínguez‐Pacheco, C. Hernández‐Aguilar, N. Flores‐Saldaña, P. Villagran‐Ortíz, C. Pérez‐Reyes, G. Sánchez‐Hernández, A. Oaxaca‐Luna Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 발간일 : 2017-02-15 등록일 : 2017-03-03 원문링크

Nixtamalization process generates a large amount of waste called nejayote. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the microbiological and rheological properties of masa obtained from nixtamalized maize with nejayote at processing and 4 days after processing. Rheological parameters (elastic and viscous modulus) showed no significant difference between days 1 and day 4 for masa with 2:1 diluted nejayote. Microbiological analyses showed an increase in Fusarium verticillioides in masa with diluted nejayote 1:1 (water/full‐strength nejayote) at day 4. Penicillium aethiopicum showed no growth in masa with diluted nejayote 2:1 (water:full‐strength nejayote). Rhodotorula and bacteria showed higher growth in control masa for day 1 and 4, respectively. Masa with 2:1 diluted nejayote showed no bacterial growth at day 1, and the day 4 bacterial growth was lower than control masa. Hence, the microbiological quality of masa nejayote 2:1 was better than control masa, which could increase shelf‐life.


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