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[경제] Strategy for monitoring and ensuring safe operation of Russian gas transportation systems

러시아 국외연구자료 학술논문 Dudin Sergey,Bahmat Gennady,Zemenkov Yury,Voronin Konstantin,Shipovalov Anton MATEC Web of Conferences 발간일 : 2018-01-19 등록일 : 2018-01-19 원문링크

The authors examined the legislative framework of the Russian Federation operating in the field of industrial safety, and described how to obtain a license to operate hazardous production facilities. The paper demonstrates that the importance should be given to the quality and completeness of the background information, as well as the choice of inspection strategy in evaluating the technical condition of the line section of main gas pipelines. As a part of a package of measures to ensure industrial safety and technical reliability of existing gas pipelines it is proposed to carry out conditioning of their line sections. The paper describes general requirements for pipeline inspection, which include: detection efficiency of dangerous damages and major leaks, maximum accuracy of detection of the defect location, continuity of monitoring throughout the entire range of operation modes of the pipeline, cost recovery at the stages of development and operation of control systems, forecasting the state of the pipeline and the effects of accidents. In practice, these parameters have the prevailing significance.

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