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[경제] Retail trade in Tarnow in the years 2011-2014. Diagnosis and trends

러시아ㆍ유라시아 일반 국외연구자료 학술논문 Y. Stroynyiy, Z. Kolak Granì 발간일 : 2016-12-31 등록일 : 2018-03-16 원문링크

The level of retailing in Tarnow in the years 2011-2014 has been analyzed. The origins and the development of trade in Tarnow have been shown throughout history. The attention has been drawn to such very important fact as the geographical location of the city, which is near the main trade routes and how it affected the development of trade from the beginning of its foundation. In addition to the position, very big influence on the development of trade did the fact that a high proportion of Tarnow inhabitants were Jews, who dominated in the retail. Second part of the article is related to the Polish accession to the European Union, which has had a great impact on the retail sector in Tarnow, and the introduction of principles of market economy. The quantitative and qualitative trade analyses during the period of years 2011-2014 have been discussed thoroughly. Both statistical data and results of author’s research have been used. The information about present shopping centers, supermarkets, department stores, retail shops, kiosks and stalls has been given. Moreover, the empirical diagnosis of the studied area has also been made. The transformations, which were followed by the expansion of large chains stores and the related changes in customers’ preferences during the last years, have been mentioned. The dynamics of the changes and their impact on the development and the retailing organization in Tarnow has been described in the last part of the article. Opportunities and risks have been shown, both for entrepreneurs, consumers and for the economy of the city. The article ends with description of changes in the structure of retailing in Tarnow in the coming years, with the problems related to the migration of young people to big cities and abroad, and the change of their lifestyles that enforces new sales standards.

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