[개발] Advancing urban mobility in the State of Qatar-Establishing a framework for autonomous vehicles in Doha
카타르 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 발간일 : 2024-04-01 등록일 : 2024-04-25 원문링크
The Government of Qatar is investing considerable resources in the development of integrated transport infrastructure as a solution to traffic congestion and environmental degradation. Autonomous vehicles are expected to be one of the methodologies for enhancing the quality of the built environment and fostering a more sustainable and environmentally conscious urban milieu. While autonomous cars have the potential to address urban difficulties and be utilized for personal, group, and public transit purposes, their implementation in the specific context of Doha has not been thoroughly analyzed. This research explores the potential impacts that autonomous vehicles are expected to have on travel demands, parking needs, and urban planning. It discusses the benefits and challenges associated with autonomous vehicles and predicts their likely implementation and development based on the different precedents. In addition, it explores how it will affect planning decisions such as drop-off and pick-up areas, parking and public transit. The research utilizes a qualitative approach through literature content analysis, field observations, and mobility analysis. Several case studies are analyzed to explore how autonomous vehicles can operate within a limited zone. The study uncovers the issue of ownership and mode of operation as essential factors that can affect the impact of autonomous vehicles (AVs). In addition, implementing AVs may create complex environmental concerns when greener and more sustainable transportation models are not integrated. It is recommended that Doha adopt integrated planning and implementation of AV technologies to ensure that AVs align harmoniously with the environmental stewardship requirement. The research study also presents urban design frameworks for how existing urban spaces can accommodate autonomous vehicles
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