[경제] Bottom simulating reflections across the northern Gulf of Mexico slope
멕시코 국외연구자료 연구보고서 - Marine and Petroleum Geology 발간일 : 2024-04-23 등록일 : 2024-06-07 원문링크
Bottom simulating reflections (BSRs) are widely used indicators for natural gas hydrate in reflection seismic data. BSRs, however, are typically studied on a local scale at a single site and less frequently on a large, regional scale. Herein, we map and describe BSRs over a 68,000 km2 area across the northern Gulf of Mexico slope, using publicly released industry-acquired 3D seismic data. We map 74 BSR zones that cover a total area of 2060 km2. To understand the characteristics of these BSR zones, we classify them based on their BSR characteristics in the seismic data (continuous, discontinuous, and clustered) and the geological settings in which they appear (structural, stratigraphic, and venting). The most common type of BSRs are discontinuous BSRs; such BSRs were mapped over ∼60% of the total BSR area. Discontinuous BSRs occur most commonly in structural or stratigraphic settings. Discontinuous BSRs indicate that gas and hydrate are likely concentrated in discrete layers crossing the base of the hydrate stability zone (HSZ). Continuous BSRs occur in 27% of the total BSR area and they primarily occur in venting and stratigraphic settings. At vent sites, hydrate formation likely reduces sediment permeability and focuses fluid flow laterally underneath the base of the HSZ, likely resulting in a continuous BSR along the area of lateral gas flow. Clustered BSRs, chaotic sequences of high amplitude reflections, occur in only 13% of the total BSR area and are only found within structural settings. In addition, the majority of clustered BSR zones are close to paleochannels, suggesting that clustered BSRs may be more common where coarser-grained sediments exist.
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